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Παλιά 12-05-14, 14:45
Το avatar του χρήστη BMW Power
BMW Power Ο χρήστης BMW Power δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Εγγραφή: 05-05-2004
Μηνύματα: 9.179
BMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud ofBMW Power has much to be proud of
Specifications of the new BMW X5

Specifications of the new BMW X5, valid from August 2014.


Please find attached the specifications of the new BMW X5, valid from August 2014.
Συνημμένα Αρχεία
Τύπος Αρχείου: pdf X5 Specs 9-2014.pdf (276,6 KB, 9 εμφανίσεις)

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